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The Stink!

So I walk in the restroom at my job, and I am hit by this infiltration of perfunctory stink. It was so stiff with reek that it made me stop, do the lift lip to nose tight face, and ponder about where it could have derived, but I had to go pee so bad that I couldn’t investigate the culprit of “the stink.”Hearing a flush, I thought to wait to get a view of the “Stinkor,” but fearful of peeing on myself, I had no time to linger.

Relieved that I made it in the stall without getting caught doing the “pee pee” dance and not using “the bathroom” all over the stall, I completely forgot all about “the stink” until someone came in while I was washing my hands. Nervous that I would get blamed for the funk, I gave the raised eyebrow and side eye look hoping that would be some kind of indication that I was not the enemy. I DID NOT LEAVE THE FUNK! I walked out hoping that my colleague, my fellow stink victim, would not in the future accuse me of being the “Funky” girl.

And it made me think…how many of us walk into another’s person’s stink and get accused of being the “Funktifier.”

I started thinking about past relationships and even current ones, and I think of men and women who are scared to commit because of someone else’s stink and makes me want to scream “I didn’t do that to you, she did!” Sometimes the plea is necessary. Other times, it is not. I thought of people from different races I was afraid to speak to because of someone else’s funk, being afraid of the dark because of a “stinky” movie I watched, not exercising because I barely saw anyone in my family do it (their stink), people who don’t travel, not going on an airplane, only listening to certain music, shunning someone else’s religion, not liking someone you barely even know or know at all, quitting school or going to school, dressing a certain way, covering up in clothing or showing everything, staying in an abusive relationship, not thinking you are beautiful, only thinking you are beautiful if you look a certain way, remaining shy, feeling guilty, repeating hard unlearned lessons, those in prison fighting for a life they didn’t choose, those molested-raped who remain silent, reoccurring hurting traditions that make no freakin’ sense, conforming, trying to live someone else’s dream, dancing discreetly for fear of looking like a slut or dancing wildly hoping to get the attention one may have witnessed someone else get, scared to follow a passion because of discretionary words once spoken, or just being still and living in a cycle of unbelievers ALL BECAUSE OF SOMEONE ELSE’S Funk.

How many of us have been accused of “The Stink” and have to make up for what was done before you?

It isn’t fair, but it isn’t a reason to give up. The accused “Funky” girl has her own role too. Even if she has to be “stinky” for a while, it’s temporary.

SHE, accused Funktifier, is to make the non-believer the believer by living through her actions. She is supposed to love and walk in love anyways despite being accused of someone else’s stink. She is to love herself enough to know that even if she is accused, she is strong enough to hold on to her own self love to say…”I know you experienced that in the past, but that is not me,” and own herself enough to know that even if she is accused of being the offender that it is not personal…trying to prove different or defend herself would be purely ego, and sometimes we have to trust God enough to know that the lesson will be learned in its own time by not being fearful of the funk, and even if accused, the love one has for oneself and the unconditional, without limits, love willing to be offered in return to sometimes nothing is sometimes worth being accused of the funk. Sometimes it is simply about paying it forward and not looking back for anything…just the walk in love and the gift in that is all that is needed. If love is the leader, the funk/stink will clear. BAAALIEVE DAT!

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